Student parking made easy

The Parking Paradox: Balancing Access, Revenue, & Sustainability on Campus

Campus Parking Spaces for Everyone Campus parking is a critical resource for students, staff, and visitors alike. But it’s also often a source of frustration, inefficiency, and environmental concerns. Balancing access, revenue, and sustainability can seem like an impossible task, but with the right approach, campuses can create smarter, more eco-friendly parking systems that benefit…

Myth or Fact: Parking Counting Systems Cost a Fortune

Revolutionize Parking Management with Affordable Parking Counting Systems From University parking to hospital parking management, you know things can get complicated. Rush hour can happen multiple times a day as drivers rush in and out of parking lots. You may be familiar with smart parking, or parking guidance systems, which keep track of individual car…

Simplify Campus Parking with Parking Logix: Enhancing Safety & Efficiency

Students heading to college campuses often find it challenging to find parking quickly and safely. The frustration they experience while searching for parking can adversely affect their overall campus experience. It can also impact their timeliness in getting to class and even their academic performance. Implementing solutions to streamline parking on your college campus can…

How Universities Can Quickly Implement Parking Guidance and Improve Parking Safety

For many university students, parking on campus can be a frustrating experience. Locating parking spots often causes stress and tardiness, both of which make learning difficult. Universities can solve this by taking the initiative to use parking guidance to enhance the student parking experience. Moreover, safety on campus parking lots is an additional concern that…

Pandemic Parking and Hybrid Learning- Fall Semester 2020

The Learning Must Go On Universities haven’t shuttered their doors. Certainly not virtually. Distance learning programs for the fall are purported to be more robust (and certainly more well planned) than their spring counterparts were. But many students are still headed back to campus. Universities are often offering a mix of in-person, distance, and hybrid…