Shopping mall parking lot management

Simplify Parking at Busy Medical Facilities with Parking Logix

Parking at a busy medical facility can often be a source of stress and frustration for patients, medical staff, and visitors. Navigating through multiple entrances, deciphering complex parking lot layouts, and searching for available spots can make the already anxious experience of visiting a hospital even more overwhelming. However, with innovative parking solutions from Parking…

Are Your Parking Lots Keeping Visitors Out of Your Park?

There are 423 national park sites across the U.S. There are countless more state and local parks sprinkled across the landscape of beautiful North America. Already popular with people eager to enjoy the great outdoors, the pandemic has made the nation’s parks even more sought after. But are parks accessible to everyone? Or is insufficient…

Student Parking

3 Ways to Improve the student Parking Process

3 Ways To Improve The Student Parking Process Rush Hour is When? Unlike in a corporate environment where there’s a predictable morning and evening rush, university campuses can have veritable “rush hour” multiple times every day. With classes starting and ending throughout the day and varied schedules for different students, campus parking lots can be…