Hospital parking guidance

Hospital Parking Guidance: Why It’s So Important

Discover Smart Hospital Parking Solutions When it comes to patient health and well-being, medical treatments and procedures often steal the spotlight. Yet, there’s a critical, often overlooked element that can profoundly impact the patient experience: parking. Hospitals and medical centers are infamous for their hard-to-maneuver, congested parking lots, breeding stress and frustration among patients and…

Parking Logix President, Todd Tucker

Todd Tucker on Parking Guidance Systems from Parking Logix

Sensors for All Our very own Todd Tucker, Parking Logix President, sat down for an article in Parking Today to talk about what makes him so passionate about parking, how he’s taking Parking Logix to the next level, and what the future of parking guidance systems really looks like. Check out the entire article below! …

crowded parking lot

Parking Counting: A Game-Changer in New Garage Construction

As urban sprawl intensifies and city spaces become more saturated, the sanctity of parking lots has evolved from a mere convenience to a precious and finitely managed resource. In the landscape of new garage construction, the chronically under-discussed yet supremely critical tool is the parking counter. This unassuming solution may seem like a last-minute addition…

How To: Solve Insufficient Parking Spaces

Smart Solutions for Parking Lot Frustrations   Imagine a world where the parking spaces you provide, and commuter’s needs and wants are always just a click away. The quest to conquer parking frustrations is not just a tale of whimsy — it’s a story of innovative technology forging a path toward hassle-free parking lot solutions.…

Unlocking Efficient EV Parking Management in Your Lots

Maximizing Revenue and Efficiency at EV Charging Stations The growth and adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) have been nothing short of phenomenal. As more consumers make the switch to electric, the demand for EV charging stations is skyrocketing. One crucial area where this growth is most noticeable is in parking lots across all types of…

Does Less Parking Stress Equal More Focused Employees? Exploring the Power of Corporate Parking Guidance

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, the smallest inconveniences can escalate into significant sources of stress. And simply finding somewhere to park in the morning can set a stressful tone to the entire day. A growing body of research suggests that alleviating parking stress can lead to more focused and productive employees. Incorporating a corporate parking…

Simplify Campus Parking with Parking Logix: Enhancing Safety & Efficiency

Students heading to college campuses often find it challenging to find parking quickly and safely. The frustration they experience while searching for parking can adversely affect their overall campus experience. It can also impact their timeliness in getting to class and even their academic performance. Implementing solutions to streamline parking on your college campus can…