Are Your Lots Ready for Spring?
Last year saw record numbers of people heading out to enjoy the outdoors. Parking lots that could generally keep up with demand were suddenly swamped. With much else closed, parks and green spaces offered a healthy break from the monotony of life and work at home. Now, as much returns to normal, the peak parks have experienced isn’t expected to decrease. Are you ready for the influx of people headed outdoors?
Park Parking Lots
Parks that used to sit nearly empty are suddenly the popular place to be. One study found a 42% increase in state park vehicle stickers and a 33% increase in trail pass purchases. Parking lots that cars used to be able to casually cruise into now have long lines or frustrated people leaving to seek parking elsewhere. How can you better manage your parking resources so that you can enhance the outdoors experience instead of spoiling it?
What is Parking Guidance?
Parking guidance can help your visitors enjoy the beauty of nature. Parking guidance systems simply count cars and share parking availability data. They use sensors to keep track of the number of available spots. They then share that data with consumers and parking managers. However, most parking guidance systems are expensive and complicated to install and require sensors wired into every parking spot. In addition, on federal and state lands, permits to dig to install the sensors can be complicated to obtain. OpenSpace from Parking Logix offers a lower-cost, more intuitive parking counting system that requires no digging.
Smarter Parking, in Just a Few Hours
Unlike traditional parking counting systems, OpenSpace uses sensors only at entry and exit points. The data is just as accurate- over 99%!- but no digging is required. The sensors are installed in speed bumps at entry and exit points. They provide valuable data on how many spots are available. That data can then be displayed on digital signage outside the lot, at park entrance points, and on integrated apps users can access right on their phones. OpenSpace can help visitors to your park spend less time looking for a spot, and more time enjoying the great outdoors.