Empty or Overflowing
The pandemic we’re all living through has created a strange disparity. Many places, like corporate workplaces and malls, sit virtually empty. Yet others, like medical campuses and delivery services, are struggling to keep up with demand. Hospital parking is always challenging, as patients and employees come and go throughout the day and night. But added demand leads to more cars, and the search for parking has become even more arduous.
A Plethora of Hospital Parking
Many hospitals and healthcare facilities are hesitant to expand their parking programs, knowing that they already have plenty of spaces for people to park in. With multiple parking lots and garages, there may be plenty of room to park, but that doesn’t mean people can find available spots. A parking guidance system can offer drivers a snapshot of available hospital parking as soon as they enter your campus. Signs outside each lot can notify patients and employees how many spots are available. They can also guide them to the closest lot with empty spots when the one they’re at is full.
Some common hesitations we hear to parking guidance include: Won’t a system like that cost us a fortune? And how accurate is your data? And especially in a hospital environment, we hear- But we can’t afford to shut down our hospital parking lot for a few days (or even weeks)! Our answers to these are simple. OpenSpace from Parking Logix is a wireless parking counting system designed around affordability. It costs a fraction of the price of typical wired systems yet offers 99% accuracy. And best of all, since it’s wireless, you can have it up and running the day you receive it- without ever closing your lots.
Change the Traffic on Your Medical Campus
Most cars on your campus are there for a simple reason- to park and head inside. Unnecessary traffic is caused when people can’t seem to find anywhere to park. That traffic makes hospital parking even more time-consuming, and also puts pedestrians and your facility at greater risk of vehicle crashes. Parking guidance is a simple, cost-effective solution that can change the way people drive on your campus and help them get inside faster for the care they need.