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Let your tenants and visitors know that your parking lot is open for business! With OpenSpace™ you can ensure that visitors and customers spend more time on site and less time looking for a parking spot.
Improve your service levels with the convenience of parking guidance from Parking Logix, and increase revenues by showing oncoming cars that your facility has room for them.
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How OpenSpace™ can add value to your asset:
- Alert oncoming motorists of available spaces and direct them into your facility to increase both attendance and revenues
- Reduce time visitors spend looking for available spaces and reduce the stress of parking
- Provide parking count data for all tenants and stakeholders who may want to share parking data with their visitors through 3rd party apps
- Bolster tenant revenues as local stakeholders share in the benefits of marketing and promotion of your facility
- Reduce emissions by decreasing circulation around your facility
- Get a clear audit trail for event parking scenarios by tracking ingress and egress with ticket counts
- Provide valuable count data to model revenue pricing scenarios to optimize revenues