The Search for a Spot
Looking for parking is annoying. No one denies that. But could it actually be causing traffic congestion on your roads? What if traffic caused by the search for parking is causing your lots to be underused and local businesses to suffer? Could there be a simple way to reduce traffic congestion, decrease emissions and get people where they need to go faster?
Wasted Time & Money
So what if it’s a pain to find parking? What does it actually cost anyone? Surprisingly, quite a lot. A study by INRIX found that the average American driver spends 17 hours a year looking for a parking spot. That search costs each driver around $345 in wasted time, gas, and emissions. In larger cities, drivers spend even more time looking for spots. In NYC, drivers spend an average 107 hours per year looking for parking, and an estimated $2,243 in wasted time, gas, and emissions.
Keeping Your City Moving
The cost of cars searching for spots isn’t just a personal one. It costs cities millions of dollars too. Congested roads aren’t good for the economy or for local business. In a study of 1,000 random participants, more than 75% of people said they avoid driving to shopping, sports centers, and other venues because they’re afraid they won’t find parking. Ironically, many feel that cities have too much space dedicated to parking. A report studying parking spaces per household found that Seattle has more than 5 spots for each household, while Jackson, WY has a staggering 27.1 for each. With so many parking spaces, why can’t anyone find a spot?
Your Time & Money
The goal is to combat the wasted time and lost money that are caused by drivers spending so much time looking for spots. But at what cost? And how much time is involved? At Parking Logix, we can honestly answer both those questions with “a lot less than you think.”
Typical parking counting systems that keep track of and let drivers know how many spots are open are prohibitively expensive and extremely time consuming to install. At Parking Logix we do things differently. We believe you should have your system up and running without having to close your lot, wire each spot, or invest a huge amount of money.
OpenSpace from Parking Logix is an affordable, robust parking counting system with the industry’s highest accuracy rate and at an amazingly quick ROI. How do we do more and cost less?