Heading Downtown
When drivers arrive downtown, there’s typically a lot on their minds. And parking is generally not at the forefront- until it has to be. They may be thinking about the appointment they’re rushing to, the lunch date they’re meeting, the shopping they plan to do, or the leisurely afternoon they tend to spend.
And while parking unfortunately may end up taking up an unwanted chunk of their time, they generally forget about it until they’re there. And then the frustration and stress sinks in. They search for parking at the nearest location, often don’t find any, and end up circling and circling as time slowly creeps away.
The added stress may make them drive less safely, putting themselves and others at risk. The added emissions as they search certainly contribute to pollution while they themselves add to unnecessary traffic congestion.
But there’s a better way.
Planning Ahead
What if you could give every driver headed downtown the gift of a pleasant, easy parking experience. What if you could supply them with a clear plan A and plan B for exactly where they are most likely to find parking? With OpenSpace from Parking Logix, you can. While OpenSpace is a parking guidance system that keeps track of spots and shares data on LED signs outside, it can do a lot more.
Our API integration lets you push detailed, real-time, highly accurate parking data to wherever consumers are most likely to access it. That means you can share data right on your city’s website, on your city’s app, or on any parking app of your choice.
Drivers can check their phones or computers before heading out and find out the closest location with available parking to where they’re going. When they get there, they can simply head to their parking spot and move on with their day.
The end result is drivers who are happier and less stressed, which is better for businesses and for your city, safer for your streets, and ultimately a win-win for everyone.
Find out how to streamline parking in your city today! Fill out the form on the right or visit us at www.parkinglogix.com.