As the holidays are quickly approaching, people everywhere are scurrying for parking spots. At a time when tensions are high, excitement is palpable, and everyone has somewhere they needed to be fifteen minutes ago, parking guidance is more relevant than ever. Make sure you’re ready for the next holiday season with parking counting technology that will keep parkers happy all holiday season long.
You really missed it?
For those of you lucky to have attended our webinar last week, kudos to you. For those unlucky ones who did not, it’s not too late to be enlightened by the parking counting angels. Our recent webinar, enticingly titled “Innovative Uses of Parking Counting Technology,” was presented by our very own in-house parking guru Josh Eisen with guest presenter Jim Helmer. Mr. Helmer has worked in parking management for over 35 years and spent 21 of them as director of transportation for the city of San Jose. Yeah, we know, pretty impressive.
So what exactly is counting technology?
Our webinar started with a basic overview of counting technology for the uninitiated and then veered into a more in depth discussion of the types of counting technology used today. We had a fascinating discussion of the pros and cons of Counting, PGS, and Smart technology in helping to guide parkers to spots effectively and cost efficiently. A quick value comparison left participants scratching their heads thoroughly enlightened as to the best way to achieve high accuracy, better customer services, reduced co2, and lower capital costs.
San Jose, OpenSpace, and Open Floor
We then segued into a discussion of the San Jose parking guidance program. The construction and ensuing traffic congestion the city experienced were mentioned and the city’s parking management goals and the way they were achieved were explored. A quick overview of the new Parking Logix OpenSpace parking counting system was discussed as well as what is unique about the technology and innovative ways it can be used. We then opened the floor to our lucky participants for questions about parking counting technology that we were thrilled to answer.