Is digital stardust embedded in tiny sensors magically making your city, or parking lots, smarter?
While the move toward making all things “smart” is a growing trend, technology alone can’t create a world that is more sustainable, intuitive, and responsive to people’s needs.
Ultimately it’s people, not just data, that create the paradigm of smart living. Data alone is nothing but a bunch of numbers and figures. It’s the ability to harness that data to improve everyday living that taps into the potential of “smart.”
If your parking lots are gathering data on how many spots are available, that information is only as useful as you make it. Convey that information to people searching for parking on a clear, visible sign, and you have begun that process toward “smart.” Your data has invited the human element, as you alleviate the stress of searching for a spot and the angst of arriving late.
But the use of smart parking data goes beyond that. Gathering parking statistic, creating reports, and analyzing them helps you make better decisions. Is the parking you’re offering sufficient? What times are busiest? When is there usually a lull? How can you better maximize your lot’s usage?
Answering those questions can make the difference between an empty lot and a full one and whether your lot is smart or it isn’t.
Don’t simply rely on data to make your lot smarter. Add the human element, your own intelligence and analysis, and the ability to better serve others and you’ll begin the journey toward smart parking.