Walk Smart, Park Smart
You know that feeling when it seems like you keep walking but the weight’s going nowhere? There’s a better way to make sure you’re getting enough exercise.
Devices like the Fitbit® keep track of every step so you know when you’re walking enough, and when you’re not. But what does that have to do with parking?
A lot, actually. Can you guess the best way to make sure parkers know when parking spots are available? Same idea. Keeping track of open spots with a parking counting platform like OpenSpace® let’s people know where they can, and can’t, find a spot.
At Parking Logix, we want to help keep you, and your parking lot healthy.
That’s why we’re giving away a free Fitbit® just for following along on the smart parking journey. All you have to do is pick a way to join the parking revolution- follow us on twitter, join our newsletter, like us on Facebook, or just take a quick survey. The more you do, the more entries you get.
And while you’re at it, take a minute to check out the OpenSpace® parking counting system. It’s like a Fitbit® for your lot.
Welcome to the future of parking.